W80 Network Camera with Infra Red Illuminator Lens

W80 IR Network Camera w/ IR Lens

Part # :1108294

W80 IR Network Camera w/ IR Lens

4XEM's W80 wired IP Network Camera with IR Lens features a 1/3" CCD Image Sensor, MPEG 4 video compression, Generic I/O Ports (1 input, 1 output), and a sensitive microphone. Connections are also available for an external microphone and for audio output, enabling two-way audio communication. This IP Network Camera is ideal for applications that require two-way audio such as audio surveillance, reception points, remote instruction, simple video conferencing and for environments where no light is available. This camera is Dual Codec allowing for either MPEG4 or MJPEG selection and comes with a BNC connector for connection to a CCTV system. Optional accessories include an Infra Red Lens allowing full darkness monitoring/recording or a Variable Focus Lens for distance monitoring. The motion detection feature will trigger still image capture and send the image via e-mail or to an FTP location. Bundled software allows monitoring and control of up to 16 IP Cameras from any web browser, and the quick and simple installation means you will be up in minutes viewing streamed video.


Primary Information
Product Type  IP Network Camera 
Optical Sensor Type  CCD 
Optical Sensor Size  1/3" 
Effective Sensor Resolution  510(H) X 492(V) Pixel 
Focal Length  f 6.0 /F2.0 Mm 
Digital Zoom 
Interfaces & Connections  10 baseT or 100baseT Fast Ethernet auto negotiation 
Processor Type  Trimedia PNX1300 
RAM Installed Size  16 MB 
Flash Memory / Installed Size  4 MB 
Features  Adjustable image size, quality and bit rate ; Time Stamp and Text Overlay ; Up to 3 motion detection windows ; 4x Digital Zoom ; Upload Snapshots (FTP or Email) 
Width  70.0 Mm 
Depth  140.0 Mm 
Height  55.0 Mm 
Digital Video Capture Speed  30 Frames per second 
Digital Video Capture Resolution  176 x 120; 352 x 240; 704 x 480 

W80 Network Camera with Infra Red $619.00

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for more info or call (541) 601-8282 to order the W80 Network Camera with Infra Red by phone.