Retailer In-a-Box Access Analog CCTV

Security System

Comprehensive Solutions for Security Surveillance:

Retailer In-a-Box Access Analog CCTV provides camera surveillance to all important areas within a retail environment including the cash register, main entrance and employee areas.  With the included DVR and two cameras, users can view both live and recorded events.  This system is perfect for small size retail spaces and is expandable to 4 cameras if needed.  In addition, this bundle comes packed with Hivision’s powerful 4 channel software!

This Bundle Includes:

  • 19 inch Monitor
  • 2 Analog Dome Cameras
  • 4 Channel DVR System
  • 2 Camera Power Supply
  • USB Mouse/Keyboard Kit
  • DVI to VGA Adapter
  • VGA Cable (6 ft.)
  • 4 Channel Remote Viewer Software

By incorporating this solution, retailers will essentially be able to be in two places at once, better protecting their businesses and employees.


Retailer In-a-Box Security System  - $670


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